Visual clutter, such as an untidy desk, distracts us and affects our concentration. Not only a messy desk can be distracting. In a cluttered kitchen, we have much less desire to cook something fine. In a messy and cluttered children's room, children find it difficult to play. As a result, they don't play with their toys at all. Another typical example is a cluttered bedroom. We don't get much rest there when there is stuff lying around everywhere.
I consider a cosy, tidy home with few visual distractions and a system of order very important.
Here are my top 5 tips to help you switch off in your own realm and unwind from stressful everyday life.
- Well-structured and practical entrance area - a classic chaos zone
- Less open shelving, if so work with baskets
- Not too many patterns and colours. Max 3 to 5 colours in the whole flat
- When it comes to furniture, too, less is often more; versatile pieces of furniture are ideal.
- Keep surfaces, such as the work surface in the kitchen, as empty as possible. Among other things, this saves time when cleaning and has a calmer effect.