Media and press

As a certified tidying coach, my passion and expertise is to help people organise their homes and live a tidy life. Through my media exposure, I have had the opportunity to share my experience and knowledge with a wide audience. I have been able to share valuable tips that can help you organise your home and rid yourself of unnecessary clutter.

Migros Magazine, October 2023 issue

Read how to eliminate your study chaos: Start with 10-15 minutes a day, keep important documents in 3 trays and keep your desk minimalist. Everything should have its place to keep things tidy. For more tips, check out the article!

Migros Magazine, September 2023 issue

Discover how to clean up your bathroom! Start with 10 minutes a day or one drawer. Categorise and keep only what is necessary. Less is more - every item has its place. Learn more now!
Read the whole article on page 66 in the Migros Magazine.

Fritz and Fränzi, print edition April 2021

In the April issue of 2021, my interview with Hanna Lauer as a tidying coach was also published. I reveal my top tips for tidying up and creating order with children.
Interview: Hanna Lauer
Pictures: Kyla Ewert / zVg

"Tidying up for 10 minutes a day, that's the trick".

My interview with Hanna Lauer from the parenting magazine Fritz und Fränzi, published on 20 January 2021. I give valuable tips on "tidying up with children" and show how to create order in everyday family life.
Interview: Hanna Lauer
Pictures: Kyla Ewert / zVg

Marie Kondo from Oerlikon: As a tidying coach, she helps people to conquer chaos at home

This article was published in all Zürcher Landboten on 4 Oct. 2020. It was a great pleasure to show Sibylle Egloff my home and share my top tips on tidying up. To be called Marie Kondo from Oerlikon is a huge honour for me!

Everyday tips for "easy tidying" from an experienced tidying coach

In this video, as a certified tidying coach, I share some tips from my professional tidying coaching on the topic of tidying. These valuable recommendations come from my interview with Hana Lauer from the parenting magazine Fritz und Fränzi. I really hope they will be helpful for you!

Podcast interview from July 2022 with my trainer Martina from Ms Order.

Here I had the great fortune to be interviewed by my trainer Ms Ordnung. We exchanged valuable experiences and tidying tips.

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